TEAMS project Consortium - FINAL EVENT
The TEAMS project Consortium invite you to the FINAL EVENT of the TEAMS project that will take place on December 5th 2018. The event is hosted by Manchester University and starts at 17:30 (UK Time) and lasts until 18:45.
Sign up via Eventbrite to receive access details to join the Livestream, during which you will be able to interact, asking questions and/or making comments.
Please find below the meeting agenda:
17.30: Welcome & brief history of EMT – Tony Redmond (HCRI)
17.35: Introduction to the TEAMS Project – Luca Ragazzoni (CRIMEDIM)
17.45: Development of the Curriculum Framework – Adele Aubrey (HCRI)
17.55: Description of the Training Package – Nieves Amat Camacho (KI) (recorded video)
18.05: Pilot Training in Germany – Sandra Oefele (HUM)
18.15: Pilot Training in Turkey – Kurtulus Aciksari (IMU) (recorded video)
18.25: Evaluation the TEAMS Training Package – Moran Bodas (TAU) )
18.35: TEAMS 2.0: The Training of the Trainer Curriculum Framework – Darren Walter (HCRI)
18.45: Closing remarks – Tony Redmond (HCRI) / Luca Ragazzoni (CRIMEDIM)