From the 3rd to the 6th of September – Isree (Germany).
The TEAMS Pilot training was held in Isree (Germany).
The event, decisively co-designed and hosted by humedica, was contributed to ameliorate the coordination process of the various players, who are involved in worldwide disaster relief work, as well as to establish and safeguard appropriate standards.
Click here to see the Training Evaluation Report.

Preparatory meeting in Munich (June 2018)
Preparatory meeting - Munich
On 4th – 7th September 2018, Munich
The coordinator of TEAMS project, Dr. Luca Ragazzoni, met with the German colleagues from Humedica e.V. in Munich to discuss preparations of the German EMT to the pilot training scheduled for September 2018.
The German colleagues are expected to meet their preparation goals ahead of time. The successful meeting concluded with a complete agenda for the pilot training week, which will take place between 4th-7th September, 2018.

Working meeting in Stockholm (June 2018)
Working meeting - Stockholm
On June 2018, Munich
The coordinator of TEAMS project, Dr. Luca Ragazzoni, met with the Swedish colleagues from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm to finalize the TEAMS Training Pakcage. Upon the successful completion of this meeting, the TEAMS Training Package now includes eight complete training modules covering a wide variety of aspects of EMT field deployment, from preparation, through data management, adapting to local context, dealing with a mass-casualty incident, all the way to exit strategy and security threats.

TEAMS internal meeting and TEAMS 2.0 – Kickoff Meeting
TEAMS internal meeting and TEAMS 2.0 - Kickoff Meeting
On 13-14 March 2018 the TEAMS internal meeting and TEAMS 2.0 Kick-off meeting was held in Tel-Aviv (Israel). These meetings were held with the aim of promoting the work done to develop a training package for Emergency Medical Teams, funded by the European Commission.
During the meeting the colleagues from Karolinska Institute and CRIMEDIM presented the progress in generating the training materials for the eight exercises developed in the TEAMS framework. The consortium discussed the layout of the exercises and their content. The colleagues from TAU presented the concept for the evaluation of the training package.
During the second day of meeting, Dr. Ragazzoni, as project’s coordinator, presented the newly granted, sequel project TEAMS 2.0 and its aims. TEAMS 2.0 will focus on developing a complementary Training of Trainers (ToT) package. The project will allow EMTs that do not currently have training capacities to benefit from the TEAMS training package.

TEAMS 2.0 kick off meeting Bruxelles January 2018
TEAMS 2.0 kick off meeting Bruxelles
On December 2017, Stockholm
The TEAMS 2.0 Project was kicked-off at the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (ECHO) HQs in Bruxelles (Belgium) in January 2018.
TEAMS 2.0 will focus on developing a complementary Training of Trainers (ToT) package. The project will allow EMTs that do not currently have training capacities to benefit from the TEAMS training package. Read more here.

Internal meeting – Stockholm
On December 2017, Stockholm
The TEAMS consortium held an internal meeting in Stockholm (Sweden) on December 2017. During this meeting, intermediate outcomes of the training exercises developed by CRIMEDIM and Karolinska Institute were presented and discussed.
The consortium deliberated on the relevant contents, the appropriate training methodologies, and the overall architecture of the TEAMS Training Package.

Internal meeting – Novara (Italy)
On 30th June – 01st July 2017, Novara (ITALY)
The TEAMS consortium held an internal meeting in Novara (Italy) on 30th June – 01st July 2017. The meeting included a presentation of the outcomes obtained from the first Work Package describing the literature review on current and existing training models and assessment of the gaps.
Participants, including WHO representatives, were engaged in a Delphi process to consider the ideal operational training for each of the identified modules/sub-categories and assemble them into a curriculum framework.

TEAMS Kickoff meeting – Turin 2017
TEAMS Kickoff Meeting
On the 21st of January 2017 the kick-off meeting of TEAMS project was held in Turin.
After a brief welcome from the project coordinator (Luca Ragazzoni – CRIMEDIM, Università del Piemonte Orientale), the participants introduce themselves and summarizes their main professional activity or research field in the respective institutes.
Subsequently, the discussion focused on the definition of the specific objectives of each task of the project.