Yerevan, Armenia: October 6th,  2022

A final conference was held in Yerevan during the EMT Global Meeting.

This event summarized the project activities and presented the key results of the project.

Please find here the meeting agenda:

TEAMS 3.0 Training – May 2022

TEAMS 3.0 Training – May 2022

Setúbal,  Portugal: May 26th – 29th,  2022

The TEAMS 3.0 training in Portugal was successfully organized and delivered by the new trainers from INEM and was well received by the participants. This practical course aims to provide a set of practical knowledge that allows guaranteeing the quality and safety of health care in a disaster environment, framed in the initiative of the Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) of the World Health Organization.

Click here to see more information:

TEAMS 3.0 Training of Trainers

TEAMS 3.0 Training of Trainers

November 22nd – 24th,  2021

The TEAMS 3.0 project Consortium would like to announce that the Training of Trainers within the TEAMS 3.0 project will be held online from November 22nd to November 24th. The TEAMS 3.0 ToT course aims to train  new training managers from IMU, HDIR, INEM and JOHANNITER – the four EMT organizations present in the Consortium based in Turkey, Norway, Portugal and Germany. The new training managers will be in charge to organize, manage and deliver the four trainings for their own EMT organization to strengthen cross-border operational collaboration in disaster response.

Click here to see  the meeting agenda:

3rd TEAMS 3.0 Consortium Online Meeting

3rd TEAMS 3.0 Consortium Online Meeting

June 29th,  2021

The 3rd consortium meeting took place on June 29th, 11.30 a.m. CEST. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was held online and was attended by representatives of all partners for presenting and discussing their work and results.

The discussion at this meeting was focused on the plan for the coming months,. Especially, was discussed the possibility to revise the plan due to restrictions in organisinglivetrainings and events

While meeting on-line offers a good opportunity for working together and moving the project forward, we strongly hope that the next TEAMS 3.0 project meeting will take place in person in one of the consortium members’ cities

See the agenda:

TEAMS 3.0 presented on the HEUREKA Stakeholder meeting

TEAMS 3.0 presented on the 1st HEUREKA Stakeholder meeting

TEAMS 3.0 representatives participated at the online HEUREKA Stakeholder meeting (VTC). Monica Linty from CRIMEDIM presented to the participants, the TEAMS project work regarding the training package for Emergency Medical Teams in Europe and neighbouring countries.
The platform of the Civil Protection Knowledge Network – Middle East (HEUREKA) aims to promote the transfer of knowledge between the actors of disaster protection and disaster management and the humanitarian aid organizations in order to improve coordination, cooperation, compatibility and complementarity between the experts and the neighboring countries in the Middle East.

2nd TEAMS 3.0 Consortium Online Meeting

2nd TEAMS 3.0 Consortium Online Meeting

March 16th,  2021

The 2nd consortium meeting took place on Tuesday, March 16, at 2:30 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was held online and was attended by representatives of all partners for presenting and discussing their work and results.

Moreover, members of the GERTNER and KI presented the a scoping review on EMTs operations and standards (KI) and the scoping review on the current EU and Neighbourhood countries disaster risk profile (GERTNER).

The meeting was concluded with a guided discussion around three main questions:

  1. According to the results presented, which are the two most likely scenarios in which EMTs will be involved during their response in the next future?
  2. How many exercises (no more than 3) we should add to the current training package?
  3. Which do you think should be the content of these exercises?

While meeting on-line offers a good opportunity for working together and moving the project forward, we strongly hope that the next TEAMS 3.0 project meeting will take place in person in one of the consortium members’ cities

See the agenda:

Virtual TEAMS 3.0 Kick off

Virtual TEAMS 3.0 Kick off

Virtual TEAMS 3.0 Kick off

December 21st,  2020

Because of the Covid 19 pandemic, the kick-off meeting of the TEAMS 3.0 project could not take place in Italy, but virtually.

During the meeting the following points were discussed:
  • Short introduction of each partner and roles in the project
  • Presentation of the project and its objectives
  • Definition of the tasks, deadlines and tasks leaders
  • Administrative and financial guidelines

Click the image below to see the kick-off meeting presentation:

TEAMS 2.0 Final Event

TEAMS 2.0 Final Event

Novara (Italy), 17 December 2019

A final conference was held in Novara (Italy) at the end of the project.
This event summarised the project activities and presented the key results of the project.

The event was livestreamed using CRIMEDIM Facebook page reaching more than 200 attendees.

TEAMS 2.0 Pilot Training – Turkey

TEAMS 2.0 Pilot Training - Turkey

Istambul – Turkey, 22 – 25 October 2019

The pilot trainings in Turkey was successfully organized and delivered by the new trainers from IMU/UMKE, respectively, and were well received by the participants. Positive feedback included remarks on the use of different methods of delivery to the meet different learners needs and ensure that the material was able to be transferred into real life scenarios through well thought scenarios and group exercises. The new trainers were able to effectively deliver the TEAMS training and highlighted the effectiveness of the pilot ToT, both the e-learning (The Trainer’s Compass) and the face-to-face session in Novara, to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to deliver the TEAMS training.

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